Dating Influencer, Jeremy Jenson, on How to Be an Eligible Bachelor of Texan Community

Dating Influencer, Jeremy Jenson, on How to Be an Eligible Bachelor of Texan Community

Finding love and a stable relationship is what the majority of us all wish to achieve. It is what we work for and what we suppose would be the perfect happy ending in our lives. All of this sounds incredibly wonderful until we get hit by life, and reality sinks in. Not all humans are made for relationships, and some don’t ever find their ‘person’. While that perspective seems comparatively sad, there are several logical reasons behind it. Jeremy Jenson explains those reasons in his viral podcast “What Men Want.”

Jeremy Jenson is considered a role model and an eligible bachelor in the Texan community. It all wasn’t like this from the beginning, though, as Jeremy hails from a very underprivileged background and has worked his way up to where he is today. He has a few tricks up his sleeves as to what to do and what not to do to become an eligible bachelor in today’s world.

An eligible bachelor is a man who, while being unmarried, is immensely desired by women. I would say that’s every single man’s dream, right? If you’re a bachelor, but want to step up your game, here are a few of Jeremy’s tips that you could follow.

Amazing Wardrobe

Find a style that suits you and accentuates your best features. You have to dress to impress, so look for something which makes you comfortable yet a lot more charming. You can bring your “A” game forward when you’re comfortable. It also helps you create your identity and increase your appeal to others. Think of yourself as a brand; what would sell best to the ladies (or whoever you’re into)?

Man up and be a charmer

When we say “man up,” we aren’t talking about adopting traditional (or even toxic) masculinity. You don’t have to be rough or even neanderthal-like. Being manly also means being caring and charismatic. Whether it be through your smile, body language, clothes, manners, or the things around you, use it to amp up your charm.

Set your standards and uphold them

It doesn’t matter what your background is or where you came from; all that matters is what you become. People usually treat others as they would treat themselves, and one can only treat themself better by setting standards. Standards can make one more robust, and so can upholding them. Never waste your time with someone who acts like they’re doing a favor to you by seeing you. Always look out for yourself, and do not let your ego be bruised.

Be ambitious, hardworking, and yet social.

Having a goal and working towards it is desirable to see in anyone, let alone a man. Being ambitious is something that not only women but even people around you – like your colleagues and employees – can appreciate.

Working hard for your goals is attractive and does wonders for your career and future. With all of this, you still have to be social enough to meet people. The title of an ‘eligible bachelor’ isn’t something that is taken, but is earned and given by the people in a community.

Jeremy acknowledges that all this might not work for everyone, and therefore some may have to look for something that works for them specifically, but the criteria are pretty much the same. There are several parameters of being an eligible bachelor, and sometimes variables come into play, but at the end of the day, you and your personality really matter.

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